Environmental Finance: ESG data and verification in private equity – part two
In the first part of this discussion, participants discussed whether ESG and impact claims should be verified. In the second part of this discussion, the participants address the topic of the quality of data provided by private holdings.
This is a redacted version of a conversation in London convened and moderated by Environmental Finance and sponsored by SGS.
Peter Cripps: Maybe I’m overgeneralising here, but you have so-far painted a picture of not much verification going on, with a few exceptions. Why is that? Is it just too much cost? What’s going on?
Stanley Kwong: Because we need the data first.
I speak to private companies who we work with on gathering the data. That’s the big focus.
But if the fund has a specific decarbonisation strategy, then emissions could be something we want to do a baseline check on, to make sure it’s the right number.
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